What happens in Act 2 Scene 1 of Julius Caesar?

What happens in Act 2 Scene 1 of Julius Caesar?

Summary: Act II, scene i. Brutus paces back and forth in his garden. He asks his servant to bring him a light and mutters to himself that Caesar will have to die. He knows with certainty that Caesar will be crowned king; what he questions is whether or not Caesar will be corrupted by his power.

What is the conflict in Act 2 Scene 1?

In the extract of Act 2 Scene 1, Macbeth is therefore intended to be portrayed as battling an inner conflict of whether or not to follow a route of potential corruption and divine condemnation, or remain in his loyal position as King Duncan s subject .

What is Brutus talking about in Act 2 Scene 1?

Brutus contemplates the conspiracy in his garden late into the night. He has reached the conclusion that Julius Caesar must die. Brutus can’t justify Caesar’s death by any personal acts of Caesar’s; Caesar has just got to go for the public good.

What is the setting of Act 2 Scene 1 Julius Caesar?

Brutus is in his orchard. It is night and he calls impatiently for his servant, Lucius, and sends him to light a candle in his study. When Lucius has gone, Brutus speaks one of the most important and controversial soliloquies in the play.

What happens in Act 2 Scene 2 of Julius Caesar?

Summary: Act II, scene ii. Caesar wanders through his house in his dressing gown, kept awake by his wife Calpurnia’s nightmares. Three times she has called out in her sleep about Caesar’s murder. He sends a servant to bid the priests to offer a sacrifice and tell him the results.

What happened in Act 2 Scene 2 of Romeo and Juliet?

Romeo reveals himself, agreeing to forsake the name Romeo if he can have her love. Juliet warns him that, as a Montague, he’ll be killed if he’s spotted with her, but Romeo doesn’t care. After much discussion, the two swear their love for each other and agree to be married.

Why does Edmund injure himself?

Once Edgar flees the scene, Edmund injures himself in order to pretend to his father that Edgar attacked him violently, injured him, and threatened to kill their father.

How does Shakespeare create tension in Act 2?

At Lady Macbeth’s first departure off stage, knocking begins. This creates dramatic tension because the audience feels the panic and distress of Macbeth. The knocking begins shortly after the murder has been committed and Lady Macbeth has gone.

What happened in Act 2 Scene 2 of Julius Caesar?

What is the theme of Act 2 in Julius Caesar?

Death is inevitable and comes to everyone when it’s fated to come. Caesar suspects that the omens are for him and that Calpurnia is right, but his ego wins out—he wants to appear invincible, so he has to venture out of the house anyway. He is trapped by his invulnerable self-image.

What happens at the end of Scene 2 of Julius Caesar?

At the close of the scene, when Cassius plots to turn Brutus against Caesar by planting forged letters in Brutus’s house, Cassius has shrewdly perceived that Brutus’s internal conflict is more likely to be influenced by what he believes the populace to think than by his own personal misgivings.

What is the purpose of Act 2 Scene 1 in Romeo and Juliet?

Lesson Summary In Act 2, Scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet, Romeo and his friends Benvolio and Mercutio leave the Capulet’s party. Romeo impulsively decides to jump over the manor wall, and Benvolio and Mercutio try to find him. Benvolio, cautious and serious, is concerned that Romeo will get himself into trouble.

Julius Caesar Act 2, scene 1 Summary & Analysis. Once Brutus decides that killing Caesar is necessary, he is unwavering. Because he’s motivated by his morality, he rejects any suggestion that makes the conspiracy seem underhanded, such as the need to be bound by an oath.

What are Cassius’s words to Brutus in Act 1 Scene 2?

Cassius’s words to Brutus in Act I, scene ii have proved powerful in turning him against Caesar: while alone in his garden, Brutus has come to the conclusion that Caesar must be killed.

What are the contradictions in Caesar’s character in Act 2 Scene 2?

The contradictions in Caesar’s character become apparent in scene 2, when he superstitiously orders the priests to read entrails for him yet moments later proclaims to his fearful wife: Ne’er look’d but on my back . . . Caesar is keen to distinguish himself as masculine and heroic, as opposed to the supposedly feminine and cowardly Calpurnia.

What does Cassius say about killing Caesar?

And not dismember Caesar! But, alas, Caesar must bleed for it. And, gentle friends, 185 Let’s kill him boldly, but not wrathfully. Not hew him as a carcass fit for hounds. 190 And after seem to chide ’em. This shall make We shall be called purgers, not murderers. ACT 2. SC. 1 When Caesar’s head is off. Alas, good Cassius, do not think of him.

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