What happened on the Scopuli?

What happened on the Scopuli?

The entire surviving crew of the Scopuli, as well as of the Anubis, perished after a protomolecule infection ran loose on the attackers’ ship, although Julie Mao survived long enough to escape to Eros and alert the OPA and the crew of the Rocinante of the protomolecule’s existence.

Why was the Canterbury destroyed the expanse?

The ice hauler Canterbury is destroyed by what is believed to be a Martian stealth ship, forcing former crew members like Jim Holden (Steven Strait) to look for answers.

How did Julie get off the Scopuli?

The crew of the Anubis took over the Scopuli and killed everyone on board except for Julie, who was recognized as being the daughter of Jules-Pierre Mao and was thrown into a locker. When the bioweapon contaminated the crew and their prisoners, Julie became the only survivor.

Who blew up the Canterbury expanse?

The Anubis was the ship that destroyed the ice-hauler Canterbury, causing widespread rage and havoc across the Belt, eventually initiating several of the biggest conspiracies ever in human history.

Who created Protomolecule?

The Protomolecule was created by extra-terrestrials around two billion years in the past, and launched as one of the Bracewell probe swarm at trajectories towards the stars harbouring planetary systems having conditions for the emergence and evolution of some molecular replication mechanism.

How did Julie Mao get off the Anubis?

Julie took a shuttle from the Anubis and went to Eros, sending a covert message to the OPA to come get her.

How did Protomolecule get on the Anubis?

In the books, the crew of the Scopuli were deliberately experimented on by the crew of the Anubis, and the protomolecule then spread to the rest of the crew accidentally.

Who is Lionel Polanski?

Lionel Polanski was a code name used by Julie Mao in a distress call sent out to the OPA to request extraction from Eros.

What killed the builders?

Dr. Okoye hypothesizes that the Ring Builders’ extinction was ultimately caused by the ability of their enemies to “shut down” consciousness, which the biology of the Ring Builders was unable to compensate for.

What destroyed the ring builders?

Unknown Aggressors
The Ring Entities, also known as Unknown Aggressors, are the mysterious entities that destroyed the Ring Builder Empire, leaving only its technology.

What does Pampa mean in The Expanse?

Also used as a colloquial term of address for an older male. (Cf. Japanese ojisan.)

Does Julie Mao come back?

Julie Mao’s consciousness was preserved by the proto-molecule. Eventually when the infection on Eros runs out of control, we see that she’s technically still alive in a kind of collective consciousness, with the other people also infected/consumed by the proto-molecule.

What happened to the Scopuli?

The Scopuli was a Martian light transport freighter registered on Eros that was in service to the OPA. One of its crew was Julie Mao Books • TV and it was attacked by the stealth ship Anubis Books • TV. It was later used as a lure in the ambush and destruction of the Canterbury Books • TV .

What is the meaning of the Latin word scopulus?

The latin Word scopulus (sing. of scopuli) has a whole range of meanings, from the literal cliff and its metaphorical use as something to be overcome, to defiant or hard-hearted when referring to personalities. Scopuli can also mean the destroyer when referring to a person, as in the destroyer of Rome.

How did the ship Scopuli get its name?

This is quite fitting since the vessel Scopuli was used to lure the Canterbury to its destruction using a false distress signal. It is possible that the vessel was named after a region near the north pole of mars, Ultimi scopuli, the “last cliffs”.

What is the Scopuli in Star Citizen?

The Scopuli is a Martian light transport freighter from Eros that was in service to the OPA. One of its crew was Julie Mao and it was attacked by the Stealth Ship Anubis. It was later used as a lure in the ambush and destruction of the Canterbury .

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