What does the nadir period mean?

What does the nadir period mean?

Nadir is a term that basically means low point. When a person with cancer reaches their “nadir” following each chemotherapy cycle, it means that the person’s blood cell counts are the lowest they will be during that treatment cycle. Each chemotherapy treatment comes with a nadir period.

When does chemo nadir occur?

Chemotherapy and neutrophils Neutrophil levels reach a low point about 7 to 14 days after treatment. This is called the nadir. At this point, you are most likely to develop an infection. Your neutrophil count then starts to rise again.

What is a nadir value?

Nadir: The lowest point. The nadir may refer, for example, to the lowest blood count after chemotherapy or the lowest concentration of a drug in the body.

What is the nadir period after chemo?

Severe medullary aplasia in patients after receiving a chemotherapy cycle. It occurs at 7-14 days after undergoing a cycle due to cessation of normal production of blood cells (WBC, platelets, etc.), which increases the bleeding and/or infection risk.

What is the significance of nadir for a patient receiving chemotherapy?

Nadir Affects Blood Cell and Platelet Counts When chemotherapy is given it not only affects the rapidly dividing cancer cells but it also affects some of the normal cells of the body.

What is the nadir of cisplatin?

Nadir: Meaning low point, is the point in time between chemotherapy cycles in which you experience low blood counts. Nadir: 18-23 days. Recovery: 39 days.

What is the nadir for Carboplatin?

The nadir usually occurs about day 21 in patients receiving single-agent therapy. By day 28, 90% of patients have platelet counts above 100,000/mm³; 74% have neutrophil counts above 2,000/mm³; 67% have leukocyte counts above 4,000/mm³.

What does nadir feel like?

This is called the nadir (pronounced nah-deer). You might feel very tired. Some people also feel depressed at this time. After the nadir, the level of white blood cells gradually goes up until it is almost back to normal.

What is the nadir for cisplatin?

How do you feel during nadir?

What is important concerns during the nadir following chemotherapy?

The concern during the nadir time is that the body’s first line of defense against infection, white blood cells (WBC) and the platelets, which help to clot the blood, are low leaving a person more susceptible to infection and bleeding.

When is nadir for cisplatin?

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