What does Somnambulate mean?

What does Somnambulate mean?

to walk when asleep
Definition of somnambulate intransitive verb. : to walk when asleep.

What is another word for Somnambulate?

What is another word for somnambulation?

sleepwalking noctambulation
noctambulism somnambulism
nightwalking somnambulance

Does Somnambulate mean hypnotize?

somnambulism (n.) 1786, “walking in one’s sleep or under hypnosis,” from French somnambulisme, from Modern Latin somnambulus “sleepwalker,” from Latin somnus “sleep” (from PIE root. Originally brought into use during the excitement over “animal magnetism;” it won out over noctambulation.

What is the Latin root for Somnambulate?

Word Origin for somnambulate C19: from Latin somnus sleep + ambulāre to walk.

What does sojourn mean as it is used?

: to stay as a temporary resident : stop sojourned for a month at a resort. Other Words from sojourn Synonyms More Example Sentences Learn More About sojourn.

Does Somnambulate meaning sleepwalk?

verb (used without object), som·nam·bu·lat·ed, som·nam·bu·lat·ing. to walk during sleep; sleepwalk.

What does Somnambulatory mean in The Great Gatsby?

Definition-extremely small. Somnambulatory. Quote- “Gatsby took an arm of each of us and moved forward into the restaurant, whereupon Mr. Wolfshiem swallowed a new sentence he was starting and lapsed into a somnambulatory abstraction”(Fitzgerald 10).

What is the root of Somnambulate?

Somnambulate is a wonderful word, and you may recognize the Latin roots: somnus, “sleep,” as in somniferous, “something putting you to sleep,” somnolent, “sleepy, or making you sleepy,” and Sominex, the brand name of a sleeping pill.

What is another word for Sojourner?

What is another word for sojourner?

pilgrim crusader
hadji hajji
pioneer settler
tourist travelerUS
visitor visitor to a shrine

What does sojourn mean in the Bible?

This Hebrew term and its translation convey the basic idea that a person (or group) is residing, either temporarily or permanently, in a community and place that is not primarily their own and is dependent on the “good-will” of that community for their continued existence.

What does effeminate mean in The Great Gatsby?

the state when one person or group has power over another. Two shining, arrogant eyes had established dominance over his face and gave him the appearance of always leaning aggressively forward. effeminate. lacking traits typically associated with men or masculinity.

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