What does a Saltire mean in heraldry?
Definition of saltire : a heraldic charge consisting of a cross formed by a bend and a bend sinister crossing in the center.
What does a saltire on a flag represent?
The word ‘Saltire’ by definition means “a diagonal cross as a heraldic ordinary” and is the defining factor of Scottish national flag. Its white diagonal cross on a blue background represents the crucifixion of the apostle St Andrew – the younger brother of Simon Peter.
What does a black Saltire mean?
The Siol nan Gaidheal flag is a circular celtic Knot with an “A” for Alba (Gaelic for Scotland) in the centre it is mounted on a black saltire to represent mourning for loss of Nationhood. The black saltire is the standard issue and is carried at nationalist marches.
Why is the Scottish flag called Saltire?
The Scottish Saltire FlagThe white diagonal cross on the flag is known as a ‘saltire’, which means ‘a cross with diagonal bars of equal length’. This stems from the old French word saultoir or salteur, a word to describe a type of stile constructed from two cross pieces.
What flag has X’s on it?
The distinctive configuration of white stars mounted on a blue “X” and set against a field of red is now widely known as the Confederate flag.
Where would you find a Saltire?
The saltire is important both in heraldry, being found in many coats of arms, and in vexillology, being found as the dominant feature of multiple flags.
Why did Scotland change their flag?
During the night Saint Andrew, who was martyred on a saltire cross, appeared to Angus and assured him of victory. By 1540 the legend of King Angus had been altered to include the vision of the cross against a blue sky. Thereafter, this saltire design in its present form became the national flag of Scotland.
Why is the lion rampant illegal?
Since there has not been a Scottish King or Queen since the 17th century,s o the flag now belongs to Queen Elizabeth II. In 1672 Parliament made it illegal for a private citizen or corporate body to fly or wave the Lion Rampant flag.
Is the saltire the oldest flag in the world?
The Flag of Scotland is the Saltire: the white diagonal cross of Scotland’s patron saint, St Andrew, on a blue field. It is one of the oldest flags in the world, dating back, according to the version of the story you believe, to 832 or further, perhaps to 761.
What the Colours of the Union Jack mean?
The flag combines aspects of three older national flags: the red cross of St George for the Kingdom of England, the white saltire of St Andrew for Scotland and the red saltire of St Patrick to represent Ireland.