What does 16px mean?

What does 16px mean?

We mentioned that 16px is the minimum size for body text when it comes to most websites. It is the text size browsers display by default and 16-pixel text on a screen is about the same size as text printed in a book. Font size is important!

What does 12px mean?

12px is the font size and 13px the line height. Example of declaring all font properties in a one liner here.

What is font property?

The font property is a shorthand property for: font-style. font-variant. font-weight. font-size/line-height.

How big is 16px?

Font size specifications may come in points or pixels where: 1 pixel (px) is usually assumed to be 1/96th of an inch. 1 point (pt) is assumed to be 1/72nd of an inch. Therefore 16px = 12pt.

What is 16px font size?

How big is a pt?

0.352778 millimeters
A point (pt) is equal to 0.352778 millimeters, 0.0138889 inches, or 1.333 pixels. Because millimeters and inches are measurements of physical items, they are not ideal to use with computer or mobile based applications because they dont always represent the correct size because of differences in screen resolution.

What are the 2 font-family?

font-family Again, they are: serif. sans-serif. cursive.

What does the font-family property control?

The font-family property specifies the font for an element. The font-family property can hold several font names as a “fallback” system. If the browser does not support the first font, it tries the next font. generic-family – The name of a generic-family, like “serif”, “sans-serif”, “cursive”, “fantasy”, “monospace”.

How do I change text font size?

Change font size

  1. Open your device’s Settings app.
  2. Tap Accessibility Text and display.
  3. Tap Font size.
  4. Use the slider to choose your font size.

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