What do you mean by logic optimization techniques and give some examples of logic optimization?
Logic optimization is a process of finding an equivalent representation of the specified logic circuit under one or more specified constraints. This process is a part of a logic synthesis applied in digital electronics and integrated circuit design.
What is the purpose of logic optimization?
The purpose of logic optimization is to enhance the simulation efficiency. A typical optimization process consists of the transformations illustrated in Figure 8.9 [Wang 1987]. Because each gate corresponds to one or more statements in the compiled code, logic optimization reduces the program size and execution time.
Which tool performs logic optimization?
Which of the following tool performs logic optimization? Explanation: Synthesis tool performs logic optimization in RTL by converting high-level description of the design circuit into an optimized gate level representation by the use of basic logic gates like and, or, nor, etc.
What is logic synthesis and explain the need of logic optimization?
In computer engineering, logic synthesis is a process by which an abstract specification of desired circuit behavior, typically at register transfer level (RTL), is turned into a design implementation in terms of logic gates, typically by a computer program called a synthesis tool.
What is logic Minimisation?
The process of simplifying the algebraic expression of a boolean function is called minimization. Minimization is important since it reduces the cost and complexity of the associated circuit. For example, the function can be minimized to .
How can logic gates be reduced?
The first step to reducing a logic circuit is to write the Boolean Equation for the logic function. The next step is to apply as many rules and laws as possible in order to decrease the number of terms and variables in the expression.
How does high level synthesis work?
High level synthesis (HLS) [1], also known as behavioral synthesis and algorithmic synthesis, is a design process in which a high level, functional description of a design is automatically compiled into a RTL implementation that meets certain user specified design constraints.
What are basic logic gates explain?
A Logic gate is a kind of the basic building block of a digital circuit having two inputs and one output. The basic logic gates are categorized into seven types as AND, OR, XOR, NAND, NOR, XNOR, and NOT. These are the important digital devices, mainly based on the Boolean function.
What are universal gates?
A universal gate is a gate which can implement any Boolean function without need to use any other gate type. The NAND and NOR gates are universal gates. In practice, this is advantageous since NAND and NOR gates are economical and easier to fabricate and are the basic gates used in all IC digital logic families.
What is the difference between SOP and POS?
They are as follows: Sum of Products (SOP) form. Product of Sums (POS) form….Difference between SOP and POS :
S.No. | SOP | POS |
2. | SOP uses minterms. Minterm is product of boolean variables either in normal form or complemented form. | POS uses maxterms. Maxterm is sum of boolean variables either in normal form or complemented form. |