What do you mean by harassment?

What do you mean by harassment?

noun. an act or instance of harassing; torment, vexation, or intimidation: daily harassment by bullies at school;the harassments of daily life. the condition or fact of being harassed: the stress of harassment and discrimination.

What is the meaning of to in Punjabi?

to – Meaning in Punjabi. संस्कृतम्

What is the video called in Punjabi?

English to Punjabi Dictionary – Meaning of Videos in Punjabi is : ਵੀਡੀਓ, ਵੀਡਿਓ…

Word Videos
Punjabi Meaning ਵੀਡੀਓ, ਵੀਡਿਓ
the recording, reproducing, or broadcasting of moving visual images.,

What do you call a student in Punjabi?

IPA: studəntPunjabi: ਸ੍ਟੂਡਨ੍ਟ

What is physical harassment?

Physical harassment is an act where someone inappropriately touched you against your will. Physical harassment behavior intimidates, embarrasses, threatens and makes the victim uncomfortable. The most common forms related to physical harassment include: Sexual assault or abuse or sexual rape.

What is the meaning of vide in Punjabi?

ਨੰ, ਵਾਈਡ imperative sing. of L. videre, to see / see; consult (used as an instruction in a text to refer the reader to a specified passage, book, author, etc., for fuller or further information)., Usage.

What do you miss about being a student?

I miss the freedom and time to explore my own interests, both academic and non-academic. When working 7-7 or more it is really hard to keep up all my hobbies and passions – I just want to sleep at the end of the day/week! Students – don’t take your time for granted.

What is an example of harassment?

Examples of harassment include offensive or derogatory jokes, racial or ethnic slurs, pressure for dates or sexual favors, unwelcome comments about a person’s religion or religious garments, or offensive graffiti, cartoons or pictures.

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