What celebrity has a birthday August 23?

What celebrity has a birthday August 23?

23. Here are some of the notable people celebrating birthdays today, including Barbara Eden, Jeremy Lin, Julian Casablancas, Linda Thompson, Rick Springfield, Scott Caan and more.

What is August 23rd famous for?

On this day in London, William Wallace was executed for treason, condemned for leading Scottish resistance forces during the first years of the long and ultimately successful struggle to free Scotland from English rule.

What famous person was born in August?

If you were born in August, you might be famous too!

Famous Birthday Boy or Girl Lived to Be Birth and Death Year
Whitney Houston 49 1963-2012
Robert Shaw 51 1927-1978
Deion Sanders 1967-still kickin’
Eric Bana 1968-still kickin’

Who was born on the 15 of August?

Birthday wishes go out to Jennifer Lawrence, Ben Affleck and all the other celebrities with birthdays today.

Is August 23rd a Leo or a Virgo?

If you follow astrology and read horoscopes, you know a person born between August 23 and September 22 is a Virgo. This is the sixth sign of the zodiac. You might also know that the Leo–Virgo cusp occurs August 19 to August 25.

Which billionaire was born in August?

Omaha, Nebraska, U.S. Warren Edward Buffett (/ˈbʌfɪt/ BUFF-itt; born August 30, 1930) is an American business magnate, investor, and philanthropist.

Are August borns romantic?

August born personalities are very romantic. Once they fall in love, they do everything to make their partner happy and satisfied. They are perfect in romance and know how to display passionate love. They desire a partner who is very open and can show love to them in return.

What is my birthday star?

What is a birthday star? When light from a given star has taken as long as your lifetime to reach our planet, it is called a “birthday star”. So, for example, if you are 25 years old today and you look up your birthday star using the calculator, it will give you a list of stars and their constellations.

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