What causes Wavemouth?

What causes Wavemouth?

Wave mouth has been attributed to many different causes such as deciduous teeth (baby teeth) not shedding correctly or improper filing of the teeth in the past. In some cases such as in miniature horses genetics also play a role.

What is shear mouth and how can it be cured?

Shear mouth is not a simple problem to fix. In most cases, treatment involves routine dental examination and repeated removal of dental overgrowths. In some cases, improvement requires resolution of the underlying cause. In some cases, the condition can gradually be improved upon with repeated dental treatment.

What is Wave mouth in horses?

Wave mouth is common in horses 12 years and older that have not had adequate dental care. In this photo, the teeth in the middle of the upper row are shorter than the others, creating a wave-like pattern. This leads to excessive uneven wear as well as periodontal disease and tooth loss.

Why do horses have a gap in their teeth?

Over time, horses’ teeth continue to erupt and the roots are smaller than the main tooth. As the roots of the teeth erupt in later life, the gaps develop, allowing food to become packed between the teeth. A diastema can also become a source of problems when teeth are displaced or fractured.

How do I know if my horse has an abscess tooth?

You might make these observations when a horse has this condition.

  1. Swelling on One Side of Head or Face.
  2. Discharge from One Nostril (White, Yellow or Green)
  3. Lump, Bump, Growth on Face or Head.
  4. Face or Head Seems Swollen or Enlarged.
  5. Foul Odor from Mouth or Face, Bad Breath.
  6. Swelling on Side of Jowl or Cheek.

How do you treat an abscessed tooth in a horse?

Dental extraction of the infected tooth is most often the necessary treatment for an apical infection. These infected cheek teeth can be extracted orally with few complications if the exposed crown of the tooth is large enough to be grasped and if the tooth does not have a fracture below the gum level.

What is tooth tartar?

Teeth tartar is also known as dental calculus, which forms below and above the gum line. Tartar is a deposit on the teeth that trap stains which then, in turn, cause the discoloration. Certain foods can cause stains, such as blueberries, coffee and other deep rich in color foods.

What are hooks on horses teeth?

Caudal hooks are defined as when the dominant lower or upper last molar overhang the opposing molar. They can be hereditary and may result because a horse is born either parrot-mouthed or monkey-mouthed. They can also be caused secondary to another molar malocclusion that forces the jaw to disalign.

What is wolf teeth in horses?

Wolf teeth are small teeth that sit immediately in front of the first upper cheek teeth and much more rarely the first lower cheek teeth. They come in many shapes and sizes and are usually present by 12-18 months of age although not all horses have them.

How do I know if my horse has teeth problems?

Signs of dental problems can include:

  1. Resistance and evasion to the bit or bridle.
  2. Changes in behaviour for example the horse becomes aggressive due to being in pain.
  3. Change in behaviour when ridden for example head tilting, head tossing, mouth open, irregular head carriage.

How do you treat diastema in horses?

There are various different ways of treating diastema. The first approach is to flush out the gap with a special instrument to remove all the food material. We can then place dental impression putty into this gap to allow the gum time to heal and prevent further trapping of food.

Do horses need their wolf teeth pulled?

Although supporting scientific evidence is lacking, horse owners attribute all sorts of behavioural and equitation issues to the presence of ‘wolf teeth’ (Triadan 05) in their horses’ mouths. Removal of these teeth is therefore a commonly-requested procedure in equine practice.

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