What are the category of event?

What are the category of event?

Events can be classified into three general categories — attendance-based, non-attendance-based, and unscheduled.

How do I show event categories in WordPress?

From the WordPress dashboard, navigate to Posts > Categories or Posts > Tags to create new categories and tags for your content. Within the post (or event) editing screen, you can choose from existing categories and tags or add new ones as needed from the right side of the page.

How do you add an event category?

How to Add a New event Category?

  1. Go to WP-admin >> Event Manager >> Event Category.
  2. Enter the name of the category in the text box under the name.
  3. Enter the preferred slug.
  4. Select the parent event category, if needed.
  5. Enter a description to describe the category and click on Add new event category.

What are the 4 categories of events?

So what event ideas are there? From virtual and corporate to fundraisers and festivals, here’s the lowdown on the most common categories….Corporate events

  • Seminars.
  • Conferences.
  • Trade shows.
  • Workshops.

What are the 4 types of events?

There are many types of events!

  • A speaker session (a guest speaker presentation, panel discussion, etc.)
  • Networking sessions.
  • Conferences.
  • A seminar or half-day event.
  • Workshops and classes.
  • VIP experiences.
  • Sponsorships.
  • Trade shows and expos.

What is Google Analytics event category?

What is Event Category in Google Analytics Event Tracking? The ‘event category’ is the name assigned to the group of similar events you want to track. You can use any value of type ‘text’ as an event category. This is basically the element the user interacted with on the web page, for example, video.

What is Event label in Google Analytics?

‘Event label’ is a way to provide additional information about specific website elements to identify a unique event, like a product name, video title, or URL. For example, if you have three videos on the same page, they’ll all have ‘Videos’ as the event category and ‘Play’ as the event action.

What are the five major types of events?

The five major types of events that an event or facility manager may have to deal with are: mega events, recurring events, traveling events, ancillary events, and community events.

What are Events & custom events in Google Analytics?

Custom events are events that you name and implement. Only create custom events if the events in the other categories don’t work for your use case. Custom events don’t show up in most standard reports. You need to set up custom reports for meaningful analysis.

How do I define categories for event sources?

Each event source can define its own numbered categories and the text strings to which they are mapped. The categories must be numbered consecutively, beginning with the number 1. The categories themselves are defined in a message file. For example, use the following syntax to declare three event categories.

What is an event category archive view?

Just like traditional WordPress categories, each event category has its own archive view. This is WordPress’s built-in way of showing all items that belong to a specific category. However, since event categories are added via our plugin, event category archives will display with all the features of a normal calendar view.

How do I add event categories to my website?

From the front end of the site, you can find a category archive at yoursite.com/events/category/category-slug/. Another great feature of using the Event Categories is the ability to quickly add these items to your website’s navigation menu.

Where can I find the event category archives in WordPress?

However, since event categories are added via our plugin, event category archives will display with all the features of a normal calendar view. There are several ways to find the link for these archives, however, the quickest way is to navigate to the “Events” > “Event Categories” view of your WordPress dashboard.

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