Is the weather good in Maldives in January?

Is the weather good in Maldives in January?

The Maldives in January The Maldives’ weather in January is hot, with low humidity and plenty of sunshine. There may be some rain, but at this time of year it passes very quickly. It’s a great month to visit the Maldives and booking in advance is advised. There’s also great visibility for diving and snorkelling.

What is the coldest month in Maldives?

March is the hottest month in Maldives with an average temperature of 29°C (84°F) and the coldest is January at 27°C (81°F) with the most daily sunshine hours at 10 in February. The wettest month is September with an average of 243mm of rain.

What is the sunniest month in Maldives?

The amount of sunshine in the Maldives is good from January to April, and the sunniest months are February and March.

Does it rain all day in Maldives?

It doesn’t ‘normally’ rain all day, every day for a week, but it can and occasionally does. It did last year, on I believe, 2 separate occasions. Like everywhere in the world, the weather in the Maldives seems to be changing away from what is considered ‘normal’.

How hot is Maldives in January?

around 27ºC
Averages In January, the Maldives has a daily average temperature of around 27ºC during daylight hours, reaching a high of 29ºC, so make sure you pack plenty of sunscreen. At night the temperature drops slightly to 25ºC degrees, while the sea temperature remains a warm 28ºC.

When should you not go to the Maldives?

During the dry season (December to March), you can expect low rainfall, low humidity and lots of sunshine. The wet season – known as the “South West Monsoon” – runs from May to November, and this is considered the worst time to visit the Maldives.

Is weather better in North or South Maldives?

One factor that might help you choose is the weather. Even though Maldives is said to be sunny year around the tropical climate in the northern atolls of Maldives have lesser annual rainfall than the south. As for the southern atolls it is 3,810 millimeters (150 in). That’s a remarkable difference in weather.

Which is better north or south atoll Maldives?

overall, the ari atoll is by far the best atoll for diving. the sites in the north tend to be technically a bit “harder” to dive , i.e. less experienced divers will find easier sites with less current and more shallow in the south. for non divers , there is no difference – in my humble opinion.

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