Is J Zargo good?

Is J Zargo good?

J’zargo’s heavy armor skill is good, so you can give him an enchanted set and he can be a tank mage. This article also say that he is the best follower, however lydia is not even in the list, so j’zargo is better.

Is J Zargo the best follower?

J’Zargo. Bizarrely, J’Zargo has the highest HP stat of any companion, which is a bit strange when you compare him to tanks like Farkas and Frea. He only uses Apprentice level spells, which can be a bit of a nuisance given how high his stats are, but he’s still a powerful companion and a great character to boot.

Can you marry J Zargo in Skyrim?

Unlike Onmund and Brelyna Maryon, J’zargo cannot become a steward or be married.

What is J Zargo good at?

He will boast about his skill in magic at nearly every chance he gets. Given his philosophy on competition, a less charitable interpretation of the quest J’zargo’s Experiment is that he is actually attempting to eliminate a rival, i.e. you, using customary Khajiiti cleverness.

Does J Zargo only use Sparks?

While J’zargo will mostly cast sparks. But make J’zargo leave you; then open the console, click on J’zargo, then type “disable” and “enable”; J’zargo’s stats will update and start using the level-appropriate spells.

What Khajiit can you marry in Skyrim?

You can now marry any of the Caravan Khajiit or J’zargo without any console commands. … Choose to live with your Khajiit instead, and the objective to live with him or her will appear. If your Khajiit has a house, perfect.

Is there a mod to marry J Zargo?

A very basic mod that allows you to marry J’zargo upon completion of the J’zargo’s Experiment quest. J’zargo will be silent while reciting any marriage/spouse based dialogue lines.

Will J Zargo wear heavy armor?

J’zargo wears heavy armour. J’zargo is the best punch-kitty. In fact, if you give J’zargo good heavy-armour gloves enchanted with this on J’zargo’s ring and gloves, J’zargo will do a lot of damage.

Who is the best follower to have in Skyrim?

The best Skyrim followers

  • 1) Lydia. I know, I know.
  • 2) Aela the Huntress. As a high-ranking Companion, Aela was a competent warrior long before the Dragonborn came blundering through Jorrvaskr.
  • 3) Barbas.
  • 4) Mjoll the Lioness.
  • 5) J’zargo.
  • 6) Annekke Crag-Jumper.
  • 7) Serana – Dawnguard DLC.
  • 8) Teldryn Sero – Dragonborn DLC.

What spells does j’zargo know?

J’zargo knows the following spells: As a follower however, he will only use the spells marked with an asterisk ( *). First Lessons: Join the College of Winterhold. Under Saarthal: Uncover the mysteries beneath this ancient ruin. J’zargo’s Experiment: Help a student test out a fiery new spell.

What is the level cap for j’zargo in Skyrim?

Back to the College then,” even though he is returning to Sky Haven Temple. J’zargo has no level cap, meaning he levels with the player indefinitely, making him one of the strongest followers in the game. This section contains bugs related to J’zargo (Skyrim).

What does j’zargo say when you become the new arch-mage?

J’zargo comes out on top.” After you have become the new Arch-Mage of the College, he may also remark on your position: “J’zargo is pleased, and more than a little jealous, to greet the new Arch-Mage.”, “J’zargo had expected to be named Arch-Mage.

Does j’zargo’s level cap at 30?

If he has not been given any weapons by you, he will equip a bow and arrow when not in combat but will still use only spells in combat. Unlike his fellow students Brelyna Maryon and Onmund, J’zargo’s level does not cap at 30; he will continue to level up with you beyond this.

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