Is it OK to run with a groin strain?

Is it OK to run with a groin strain?

The muscles will heal with time. Heat, gentle stretching, eccentric strengthening and a gradual return to running should do the trick, unless you mechanics are out of line (think of the alignment in your car).

What helps groin pain after running?

The 5 steps to treating groin injuries

  1. Step 1: Identify the cause of your pain.
  2. Step 2: Relative rest.
  3. Step 3: Build strength and flexibility.
  4. Step 4: Your exercises should be progressed over time.
  5. Step 5: Slow return to running.

How long does a strained groin take to heal?

With rest and proper treatment, most groin strains heal on their own in about 4–8 weeks. More severe groin strains can take longer. It is very important to let the strain heal fully and get the doctor’s OK before going back to activities.

Why does my groin hurt after exercise?

Overuse of the adductor muscles can also cause groin strain, along with resistance training, a fall, or lifting heavy items. Not warming up properly or pushing yourself too hard can also lead to groin strain, especially if you’re starting a new fitness program.

How do I know if I pulled my groin?

Here are some symptoms of a groin pull:

  1. Pain and tenderness in the groin and the inside of the thigh.
  2. Pain when you bring your legs together.
  3. Pain when you raise your knee.
  4. A popping or snapping feeling during the injury, followed by severe pain.

What does groin strain feel like?

Signs and symptoms of a groin strain include pain, swelling, and loss of mobility with the adductor muscles, nearby tendons, or close to the pubic bone. Slight bruising, muscle weakness and spasms, and difficulty walking are also possible.

What does a groin strain feel like?

How long does groin strain take to heal?

How long does it take for a groin strain to heal?

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