How old is junkyard129?

How old is junkyard129?

He was the oldest Creature, being in his 40’s, which has been a running gag in the group. They jokingly say that he was in WW2, and that he killed Adolf Hitler with an uppercut.

Who is Junkyard?

Junkyard is an American hard rock band formed in 1987 in Los Angeles, California, United States, with members previously in Minor Threat, Big Boys, Decry and Dag Nasty. The band drew comparisons with Guns N’ Roses (which, like Junkyard, signed with Geffen Records).

How old is ChilledChaos?

age 30
Anthony DiMarco (born: May 30, 1991 (1991-05-30) [age 30]), better known online as ChilledChaos, CriousGamers or just Chilled, is an American gamer.

What happened chilled chaos?

Unfortunately, it was taken down due to copyright strikes. He continued to enjoy editing videos and producing original content, so he went out and bought a Dazzle to record footage. He got good feedback, and thus continued with the CriousGamers account.

What is in a junkyard?

A junkyard is a place where garbage is kept, especially scrap metal, until it’s sold. Most of the trash in a junkyard can be reused or recycled. Piles of rusted metal and smashed bodies of old cars are common sights at a junkyard.

Is junk yard one or two words?

a yard for the collection, storage, and resale of junk.

Are chilled and Jess married?

ChilledChaos lives in Texas with his fiance, Jess, and dog, Rexxar and his friends GaLm, Tom Fawkes, and ZeRoyalViking. He is a graduate of Hofstra University with a business degree.

Does chilled chaos have a son?

As of November 2020, Chilled Chaos is engaged to his girlfriend Jess, hasn’t married and doesn’t have children.

How do junk yards make money?

Basically, the junkyard buy scrap metal in small quantities from individuals for a certain price. Then they sell it in bulk for more than they bought it for. To whom? Generally scrap metal recycling companies or to someone who’ll export it to one of those companies.

How do junkyards work?

Junk yards buy totaled vehicles that still have usable, working parts on them that they sell to car owners for less than the same part would cost new. They sometimes charge a small entrance fee to the junkyard, but they let you search all of the cars they have for parts to use.

What are junkyard dogs?

1A watchdog which guards a junkyard; in later use chiefly in comparisons and similes denoting an aggressive animal or person, with reference to junkyard watchdogs’ reputation for viciousness. 2An aggressive, ruthless, or tenacious person, especially a lawyer or government official.

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