How much does Kybella cost in NJ?

How much does Kybella cost in NJ?

Each Kybella treatment can cost between $1,200 and $1.800 depending on the amount used.

What is the average cost of Kybella injections?

Each Kybella treatment costs between $1,200 to $1,800 on average. Your total cost is affected by the number of treatments needed, your healthcare provider’s fees, as well as your geographic location. Kybella is considered a cosmetic procedure and is not covered by medical insurance.

How much does Kybella cost per area?

KYBELLA® injection is injected into subcutaneous fat tissue in the submental area using an area-adjusted dose of 2 mg/cm2. A single treatment consists of up to a maximum of 50 injections, 0.2 mL each (up to a total of 10 mL), spaced 1 cm apart.

How much is 3 treatments of Kybella?

The average patient usually requires about three Kybella injections, making the total cost of their Kybella treatments average to about $3600.

Can Kybella work with one treatment?

How Many Kybella Treatments Will I Need? Every patient is different, but in general, you should start seeing great results after just one Kybella treatment. Most patients need one or two additional Kybella treatments if they have thicker submental fat tissue.

How long does Kybella last?

Your provider selects several injection sites where Kybella is administered. The process is then repeated one to three months later. Users report noticeable effects after 12 weeks or at least 2 sessions. Maximum results can be seen after six months and are meant to be long-lasting.

How much does 6 treatments of Kybella cost?

Most Kybella treatments cost between $1,200 and $1,800. In clinical studies, fifty-nine percent of patients received a total of 6 treatments. The results of Kybella are permanent. Once they disappear, fat cells cannot return to the treated area.

Who should not get Kybella?

Have had or plan to have surger on your face, neck, or chin; have had cosmetic treatments on your face, neck, or chin; have had or have medical conditions in or near the neck area; have had or have trouble swallowing; have bleeding problems; are pregnant or plan to become pregnant (it is not known if KYBELLA® will harm …

Does Kybella work on belly fat?

When it comes to injectable treatments, Kybella is best known for treating double chins with great results. However, it can also be used around the upper and lower abdomen to treat belly fat. It is also known to be used to treat love handles, or the pockets of fat that sit at the side of the hips.

Does Kybella burn belly fat?

Can Kybella help sagging jowls?

Yes. Kybella is the only injectable which can permanently reduce the fat and treat the “double chin.” Regardless of whether Kybella is used for the neck, double chin or the jowls, this treatment can have a positive effect on the skin laxity, neck fat and jowl fat that accumulates in these area and the lower face.

Does Kybella cause sagging skin?

Kybella does not tighten skin, but melts away excess under-chin fat, restoring youthful definition at the jawline. If your facial skin is still firm and elastic, it will contract on its own as the fatty deposits melt away. If your skin is looser, we can discuss the best approach for you.

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