How is radio range calculated?

How is radio range calculated?

That formula is: Horizon in kilometers = 3.569 times the square root of the antenna height in meters. For example, if the antenna height of a radio is at 6 feet (1.82880 meters tall) the horizon is 2.99 miles away (4.83 kilometers) and another radio with the antenna at 6 feet, that equals approximately a 6-mile range.

How far is radio line of sight?

So according to our rule-of-thumb, 2 people around 6 feet tall using a 5 watt handheld two-way radio, used on flat ground with no obstacles, will have a maximum range of approximately 6 miles.

How do you calculate radio horizon?

The distance to the horizon varies with the height of the observer, or in the case of radio, with the height of the radio’s antenna. There is a well-known formula for calculating the radio horizon which says the distance in miles will be the square-root of twice the height in feet.

How do you calculate line of sight?

Use the Microsoft Windows Calculator to calculate your line-of-sight as follows: 1) Navigate to your windows calculator. 2) Choose View then Scientific. 3) Enter the height of the obstruction in meters and divide it by the distance in meters.

How do you calculate propagation loss?

The propagation losses in a medium can be quantified with a propagation loss coefficient α, which is the sum of contributions from absorption and scattering and has units of m−1. If the loss coefficient is constant, the optical power is proportional to exp(−α z) where z is the propagation distance.

How far will a 25 Watt VHF radio transmit?

For example, a 25-watt marine radio will roughly have a maximum range of 60 nautical miles (111 km) between antennas mounted on tall ships, but that same radio will only have a range of 5 nautical miles (9 km) between antennas mounted on small boats at sea level.

How is VHF range calculated?

To calculate VHF range, you may want to use this formula: VHF Range = 1.33 × (√H-aircraft + √H-gs). Where: VHF Range in nautical miles, H-aircraft is the altitude of the aircraft in feet and H-gs is the height of the ground station antenna in feet.

How is antenna range calculated?

To calculate the range of an antenna, you multiply the square root of the antenna’s height above water (in feet) by 1.42. The product will equal the antenna’s communication range in miles.

What is free space propagation equation?

The free space power received by a receiver antenna which is separated from a radiating transmitter antenna by a distance d, is given by the Friis free space equation, Pr(d)=PtGtGrλ2(4π)2d2L.

What is HF propagation prediction?

HF propagation prediction is a statistical science. The maximum usable frequency (MUF) is the highest frequency that, with a probability of 50% of the time, can be used for radio communication between two points at a specified distance (but not necessary in all directions) via refraction by the ionosphere.

How does the VOACAP propagation calculator work?

The VOACAP propagation calculator will also take into account the type of TX and RX antenna, TX power, and noise levels. All these variables are easily entered: You can produce charts predicting propagation out into the future.

How do I enter the frequency of my ham radio?

Enter your desired frequency (MHz) of operation (i.e. 3.55). If you have no particular preference within a given ham radio band, then simply enter its center frequency (i.e. 7.15 for the 40 meter band). To fully understand the results obtained by this calculator, please take a few minutes to read the explanation below it.

How do you calculate the length of a half wave antenna?

The Half-Wave Dipole Antenna The most widely used formula to calculate the approximate overall length of wire required for a dipoleis:468 / frequency (MHz) = length of wire in feet. The antenna calculator above uses this formula as a starting point to calculate wire lengths for the dipole.

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