How far is sonmarg from Srinagar?

How far is sonmarg from Srinagar?

Distance Between Srinagar to Sonmarg

Distance between Srinagar to Sonmarg by Road is 81 Kms
Distance between Srinagar to Sonmarg by Flight is 56 Kms
Travel Time from Srinagar to Sonmarg by Road is 1:58 hrs
Nearest Airport in Srinagar Srinagar International Airport (34.08, 74.8)

How far is Pahalgam from Gulmarg?

Distance Between Pahalgam to Gulmarg

Distance between Pahalgam to Gulmarg by Road is 98 Kms
Distance between Pahalgam to Gulmarg by Flight is 75 Kms
Travel Time from Pahalgam to Gulmarg by Road is 4:33 hrs
Nearest Airport in Pahalgam Srinagar International Airport (34.01, 75.19)

Where is MINI Switzerland in Kashmir?

Baisaran Valley, located just 5 kilometers away from Pahalgam in the Anantnag district of Kashmir, is famous as a top sightseeing destination, called mini-Switzerland because of its picturesque beauty. It’s a hilltop green meadow dotted with dense pine forests and surrounded by snowcapped mountains.

What is the best time to visit Pahalgam?

The period between March to November is the best time to visit Pahalgam as the weather is good for outdoor activities. If you are an adventure lover and want to enjoy skiing then winter is the best season for you to visit Pahalgam. Summers stay between the months of March to June and are warm and pleasant.

How is the road from Srinagar to Sonmarg?

Srinagar-Sonmarg road is fairly good. As far as motion sickness is concerned, this road is not at all hilly terrain neither have sharp bends etc. ritzsunny ur itinerary is excellent. srinagar to sonamarg drive is very comfortable.

How is the road from Srinagar to Pahalgam?

Distance Between Srinagar to Pahalgam

Distance between Srinagar to Pahalgam by Road is 54 Kms
Distance between Srinagar to Pahalgam by Flight is 37 Kms
Travel Time from Srinagar to Pahalgam by Road is 2:57 hrs
Nearest Airport in Srinagar Srinagar International Airport (34.08, 74.8)

Is Pahalgam mini Switzerland?

4) Pahalgam Pahalgam also has its own mini Switzerland in Baisaran which can be accessed only on foot beyond a point. It also has its own golf course, lakes such as Sheshnag, Marsar, Tulian and the beautiful Kolahoi glacier. The Amarnath Yatra puts Pahalgam on the list of many India tour packages.

Is Kashmir or Switzerland more beautiful?

Kashmir ranks second to Switzerland in the most romantic destinations of the world. Kashmir which is called the paradise on earth has been ranked second to Switzerland in the world rankings of top romantic destination. Srinagar, May 14: Kashmir even after all the unrest within, has embraced heaven on earth ever since.

Is there snowfall in Sonmarg?

During the winter months, Sonmarg becomes inaccessible due to heavy snowfall. However, those who want to sight snowfall can visit at the beginning of December or in March.

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