How do you use a Spiriva inhaler?

How do you use a Spiriva inhaler?

Directions for use

  1. Pull open the dust cap and mouthpiece of the HandiHaler.
  2. Remove one SPIRIVA capsule from its package immediately before use.
  3. PLACE the capsule in the center chamber.
  4. CLOSE the mouthpiece firmly until you hear a click.
  5. Keep the mouthpiece pointing up.
  6. BREATHE OUT all the way.
  7. Keep your head upright.

What time of day is best to take SPIRIVA RESPIMAT?

Spiriva should be taken once each day. It can be taken at any time of day, as long as it’s around the same time every day.

How many doses are in a SPIRIVA RESPIMAT inhaler?

Your Spiriva Respimat inhaler contains 60 puffs (30 doses) if used as indicated (two puffs/once daily). The dose indicator shows approximately how much medication is left.

How long does it take for SPIRIVA RESPIMAT to work?

Your condition will not improve any faster, and your risk of side effects will increase. Clean the mouthpiece of the inhaler at least once a week as directed. When this medication is used to treat asthma, it may take 4 to 8 weeks before you get the full benefit of this drug.

How do I know when my Spiriva inhaler is empty?

The counter will be red when you have 7 days left. This is a reminder to get a refill. Throw away the inhaler 3 months after you put it together or when empty.

How do you know when SPIRIVA RESPIMAT is empty?

When the dose indicator reaches the end of the red scale, your SPIRIVA RESPIMAT is empty and automatically locks. At this point, the clear base cannot be turned any further.

Does Spiriva stop coughing?

There are other medications that are important for COPD management but don’t affect the cough. These include: corticosteroids, such as prednisone. long-acting anticholinergics, such as tiotropium (Spiriva), which can actually make the cough reflex more sensitive.


Spiriva Respimat has an average rating of 5.4 out of 10 from a total of 28 ratings on 35% of reviewers reported a positive effect, while 38% reported a negative effect.

How long can I use Spiriva?

When used as directed, SPIRIVA RESPIMAT helps to keep your airways open for a full 24 hours. It may take up to 4 to 8 weeks of treatment with SPIRIVA RESPIMAT for your breathing to improve.

Does Spiriva improve lung function?

SPIRIVA RESPIMAT is a daily maintenance treatment that can help: Reduce your risk of COPD flare-ups. Improve lung function by opening airways. Control symptoms of COPD.

How do I know when my inhaler is finished?

A full canister is heavy and either sinks or floats with its top pointing down in the water. A half-full canister is less heavy and floats at a 45 degree angle with the surface of the water. An empty canister is light and floats nearly horizontal with the surface of the water.

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