How do I uncomment in eclipse?

How do I uncomment in eclipse?

Shortcut commands in Eclipse IDE:

  1. CTRL + / –> to comment single line of code.
  2. CTRL + / –> the same works to uncomment the same line of code, which is already commented.
  3. CTRL + SHIFT + / –> to comment block of code consisting of 3 or more lines of code.

How do you uncomment a block of code in Java?

Ctrl + SHIFT + L which will open a list of all major shortcuts for eclipse.

  1. For single line java code comment and uncomment : Ctrl + / (Forward Slash)
  2. For multiple line java code comment : Ctrl + Shift + / (Forward Slash) and.
  3. For single line xhtml code comment/uncomment : Ctrl + Shift + c.

Which version of Java does eclipse use?

Current releases of Eclipse require Java 11 JRE/JDK or newer. A Java Development Kit (JDK) includes many useful extras for Java developers including the source code for the standard Java libraries.

What is the shortcut key for Uncomment in eclipse?

Press Ctrl + / To uncomment a line / lines: Select the required line(s).

How do you comment out code?

Commenting out code

  1. In the C/C++ editor, select the line(s) of code that you want to comment out. If no lines are selected comments will be added (or removed) at the current cursor position.
  2. Right-click and select Source > Toggle Comment. ( CTRL+/ )

How do I uncomment a block of code in Eclipse?

How do I uncomment a Visual Studio code?

Ctrl+K+U will uncomment the code.

How do I uncomment multiple lines in eclipse?

How do you uncomment multiple lines?

Uncommenting Multiple Lines

  1. Press CTRL + V to enable visual block mode.
  2. Move down and select the lines till you want to uncomment.
  3. press x and it will uncomment all the selected lines at once.

How do I download JDK for Eclipse?

Download Eclipse from Choose “Eclipse IDE for Java Developers” and “Windows x86_64″ (e.g., ” eclipse-java-2021-12-R-win32-x86_64. zip ” – about 313MB) ⇒ Download.

How to tell eclipse to use JDK?

To tell eclipse to use JDK, you have to follow the below steps. Select the Window menu and then Select Preferences. You can see a dialog box. Now click on Finish.

Why doesn’t eclipse use the JAVA_HOME environment variable?

Eclipse DOES NOT consult the JAVA_HOME environment variable. Instead the Windows search path will be scanned. You may think it is a good idea to use the search path, because it is flexible. While this is true, it also has the downside that the search path may be altered by installing or updating programs.

How to enable JRE system library in Eclipse?

Here is the complete sequence in Eclipse Luna: Select “Java Build Path” on left, then “JRE System Library”, click Edit… Easy…. not. Show activity on this post. To tell eclipse to use JDK, you have to follow the below steps. Select the Window menu and then Select Preferences. You can see a dialog box. Now click on Finish.

How do I install the Java JDK on Windows?

1 Select the Window menu and then Select Preferences. You can see a dialog box. 2 Then select Java —> Installed JRE’s 3 Then click Add and select Standard VM then click Next 4 In the JRE home, navigate to the folder you’ve installed the JDK (For example, in my system my JDK was in C:Program… 5 Now click on Finish. More

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