How can I contact VICE?

How can I contact VICE?

You can email us at [email protected].

How do I contact VICE UK?

  1. EMEA HQ – LONDON. New North Place, London, EC2A 4JA.
  2. Video Pitches. [email protected].
  3. Editorial Pitches. [email protected].
  4. Photo Blog. [email protected].
  5. Press. [email protected].
  6. Syndication. [email protected].
  7. TV Feedback. [email protected].

Where is VICE headquarters located?

Montreal, Canada
Vice Media/Headquarters

How do you send pitch to VICE?

Instead, please send a succinct pitch via email.

  1. Culture, music, entertainment and food: [email protected].
  2. Science, technology and gaming: [email protected].
  3. Lifestyle: [email protected].
  4. Politics, inequality, health, environment and identity: [email protected].
  5. Drugs: Max Daly ([email protected])

How do you get on Vice?

Get VICE TV for iOS, Android. Download via Apple TV, Roku, or connect with Sling TV. Follow @vicetv to be notified when we launch on other platforms (such as your gaming console). Get most of our shows on iTunes, Amazon, Google Play, VUDU, Microsoft, Playstation Video and more.

How do you pitch a vice UK?

Email [email protected] and please include “PITCH:” in the subject line of your email, followed by a proposed headline. To give your idea the best chance of being considered, make sure your pitch includes the following: A sense of the sources you would speak to.

How do I get an article in Vice?

How to Write for Vice

  1. Send either a pitch or a full draft f your article to [email protected].
  2. If you’re submitting photography, as opposed to a full write-up, send the pitch and imagery to [email protected].

Can you submit to ID Magazine?

Most i-D articles run at around 1,000 words, but other publications have different lengths, and this will vary depending on the format of the piece you’re pitching. You can also include your writing portfolio and clippings if it’s your first time reaching out to an editor or publication.

What is VICE India?

The definitive guide to enlightening information.

Does VICE still publish a magazine?

As a matter of fact, you can get the first issue of 2021 of VICE’s award-winning magazine delivered directly to your doorstep. …

How do I get a job writing for vice?

How do I become a Vice writer? You can become a Vice writer by sending in your pitch or full draft of the article to [email protected]. If you are submitting a photograph instead of a write-up or pitch, you can send the attachment to [email protected].

Does Vice publish fiction?

We have stories from Joyce Carol Oates, Tim Parks, Ottessa Moshfegh, David Shields, Alexia Arthurs, and many more. This story appears in VICE magazine’s 11th annual Fiction Issue. Click HERE to subscribe.

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