How big do bumblebee catfish get?

How big do bumblebee catfish get?

At a typical adult size of 6 inches (15 cm), it is a perfect bottom dweller for the medium to large aquarium and it is an excellent tankmate for most other fish that are too large to be considered prey. The Asian Bumblebee Catfish is generally peaceful, although it can be territorial with other bottom dwellers.

How big do bumblebee fish grow?

Bumblebee gobies are one of the smaller goby species with a maximum size of around 1.2-1.6 inches (3-4 cm). They get their common name from their yellow and black striped appearance and short body shape, which definitely resemble that of a bumblebee!

What size tank does a bumblebee catfish need?

20 gallons
The recommended tank size for a full-grown bumblebee catfish is 20 gallons. Since these fish are small and spend a lot of their time hiding out waiting to eat, you don’t need a massive aquarium. If you want to keep a few of these fish together in the same tank then you’ll need to provide them with more space.

How many bumblebee catfish should be kept together?

Keeping just one Bumblebee Catfish per tank is advisable. Sometimes keeping them with their own kind can lead to aggression. A small group can be housed together if you supply a large tank to give them each space. Spread caves out around the tank so they can all have their own territory to retreat to.

Why is my bumblebee catfish swimming in circles?

Mostly, fish do this when they are stressed or unhappy with their environment. Even so, the wrong water ph or temperature for the fish you are keeping might be the cause.

Are bumblebee gobies aggressive?

Behavior & Temperament Generally speaking, bumblebee gobies are quite peaceful. They’re passive creatures that would rather hide than show aggression. With that said, some territorial behavior has been observed. The fish will usually claim a small part of the tank as their own and guard it heavily.

How big do channel catfish get?

SIZE: Common length for channel catfish is 57 cm (22 inches) with the longest maximum reported length at 132 cm (52 inches). RANGE: The range of Channel catfish extends from southern Canada into northern Mexico. They are found within the central drainages of the United States.

How often should I feed my bumblebee catfish?

Below is a guide for feeding your Bumblebee Catfish:

Food How Often How Much
Flake Food 3 Times a day Enough to consume in 90 Seconds
Pellets 3 Times a week 1-2 Mini Pellets Per Fish
Bloodworms – live 2 Times a week 1/4 Teaspoon of worms per fish
Bloodworm – Freeze Dried 2 Times a week Small Pinch

Can you breed bumblebee catfish?

Breeding Bumblebee Catfish If one of them becomes more spherical after a few weeks, it is most likely a female waiting to lay her eggs. More driftwood, as well as hiding locations like as caves and crevices, can be used to create an enabling habitat.

Do fish get Zoomies?

They are happy and have a sudden and surprising burst of energy. This is what we mean when we say Betta zoomies. This is a sudden burst of energy that your fish has and begins swimming quickly around the tank. Maybe they are also wiggling its fins in a beautiful way at the same time.

Why is fish swimming upside down?

If your fish is swimming upside down, it has a problem with its swim bladder. Your fish has stopped being able to control its swim bladder and has got stuck with too much air inside it. What is this? The reason for this could be constipation, a poor diet, eating habits, or an infection.

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