Does Avignon have snow?

Does Avignon have snow?

Months with the highest number of snowfall days are January and February (0.5 days). Months with the least snowfall days are April, May, June, July, August, September and October (0 days).

What is the average temperature in Provence France?

The average annual high temperature hovers around 65 degrees, and the annual low temperature average is about 46 degrees.

Is the South of France always warm?

The warmest place in France is the French Riviera coast in Southern France. With average summer temperatures well above 30oC (80oF) and long dry summers and warm springs and autumns and mild winters, the South of France is the place to experience the best climate in France throughout the year.

How hot is Provence in August?

August in Provence sees little change than the month before with temps running between 64-82˚F (18-28˚C) and the Mediterranean Sea warming a degree to 75˚F (24˚C)—the perfect cooling antidote. Note that the farther away from the coast, the more oppressive the heat becomes during the day.

Does it snow in Provence France?

Certainly, it is unusual to see snow in Southern Provence, though it’s highly likely further north in the Luberon and Haute Provence. The main thing to bear in mind is that the weather can change very suddenly.

How do people survive winter in France?

We’ve therefore gathered some morale-boosting advice to help you fight off the cold temperatures and truly enjoy wintertime in Paris.

  1. Dress appropriately.
  2. Take good care of yourself.
  3. Seek refuge in cafés.
  4. Enjoy the winter cityscape.
  5. Do what locals do.

How hot is Provence in July?

July is the hottest and driest month of the year with an average temperature of 75˚F (24˚C) and 10-14 full hours of daily sunshine (more along the coast and closer to the Italian border). You can expect lows of 64˚F (18˚C) and highs of 84˚F (29˚C) with less than half an inch of rain over four days.

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