Can I find out my GCSE results online?

Can I find out my GCSE results online?

Finding your results online is one potential solution. Depending on your school and the exam board responsible for the GCSE exams you took, there is a chance that you could find your GCSE results online. Whatever the case, reach out to your school to see if you can get your GCSE results this way.

Can I find out my GCSE results online 2021?

GCSE results day 2021: This year some schools are allowing students to check their GCSE results online because of the pandemic. However, a large number of schools are also following the traditional custom of students collecting their results in person at school.

How long do exam boards keep records?

We recommend you contact the exams officer at your school or college to see if they have the original certificate. Schools and colleges are required to retain certificates for a period of 12 months after they are issued.

How long do GCSEs go on for?

GCSEs are usually studied full time, taking two years to complete, however adult learners can take evening classes or teach themselves. Short course GCSEs are also available in selected subjects. There are no formal entry requirements and no age limits for GCSEs.

How long are GCSEs valid for?

Your GCSEs, A-levels and Degree will never ‘expire’ but some people want to see evidence of recent learning, so sometimes will ask you do a short course to show you are still as capable as you were 20 or so years ago.

How do I get my a2 results online?

How to get your results online

  1. Go to the Cambridge English Online Results Service and click on the Register button.
  2. Enter your Candidate ID and Secret Number from your Confirmation of Entry.
  3. Enter your email address and choose a password.

What happens if you miss GCSE results day?

Simply, if you do not collect your GCSE results on the day, the envelope containing the grades will be posted to your home. Alternatively, the school may decide to hand you the results in person on return for September term, provided that you stay at the same academy for sixth form.

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