What frequency open the door in MGS3?

What frequency open the door in MGS3?

Besides the frequency to unlock the cell door in the Groznyj Grad Torture Room (144.75 that comes towrads the end of the game) you can call all sorts of other frequencies. There is only one way to get these frequencies though. You have to interrogate enemies to get the frequencies.

What is paramedics frequency MGS3?

Be careful tho the dialogue with Para Medic can take forever to get through. She talks A LOT. Para-Medic’s frequency – 145.73.

What is The Boss real name MGS3?

Big Boss, real name John, also known as Jack, and formerly known as Naked Snake, Vic Boss, Ishmael, Saladin, or simply Snake, was a renowned special forces operative and mercenary commander.

How do you beat The Boss MGS3?

Quicker way to beat him: Dodge his attacks until you get an opening. Shoot him in the back with the Mk22, then do a tactical reload while running in a small circle. Repeat. Using chaff grenades will make his lightning attacks fail to reach you.

How do you pick up bodies in mgs3?

Slam: Press the CQC (CIRCLE) button along with the analogue stick to slam an enemy on their face and knock them out. Grab: Press the CQC when sneaking up to someone to grab them.

How did the Darpa chief dies?

Due to Anderson’s cranial implants, Psycho Mantis’s mind reading abilities were rendered useless during interrogation. When Anderson refused to divulge his detonation codes for REX, as his mental defenses were reinforced by hypnotherapy, Revolver Ocelot “botched” the torture and killed the DARPA Chief.

How old is The Boss in mgs3?

Various Metal Gear info circulating the web, reads that Naked Snake (aka Big Boss) was born in 1936; making him roughly 28 years of age at the time of Operation Snake Eater. Hideo Kojima had planned to release this game for PlayStation 3.

How do you interrogate in MGS3 PS Vita?

Finally, in the original MGS3, you can interrogate enemies after placing them in a choke hold using the L3 button. Since the L3 button isn’t available on the Vita, that function requires tapping on the rear touch pad instead.

Are radio frequencies random in MGS3?

How Radio Frequencies are NOT random (Aa1) —————————————- —————————————- There has been a lot of controversy about Radio Frequencies being random in MGS3, and I’m here to tell you, it’s not true. The reason it’s not true is because Radio Frequencies are ONLY DIFFERENT BETWEEN DIFFICULTY SETTINGS!

What are the Metal Gear Solid codec frequencies?

140.12 – Meryl (written on the back of the game box, in fourth wall breaking tradition for the series) 140.96 – Rosemary/Otacon (Save game date, Otacon appears for Snake during the Tanker chapter) There you have it, the full listing of Metal Gear Solid Codec frequencies.

What does the radio do in Metal Gear Solid?

The radio is the codec used in all the great Metal Gear Solid games. The codec is one of the most important pieces of equipment that Snake has at his disposal. You use it for a great many things.

What is the contact frequency for the Boss/Sigint?

Major’s frequency – 140.85 The Boss/Sigint: During the Virtuous Mission this contact frequency is The Boss. During the Snake Eater Missions this contact becomes Sigint. Sigint is the missions weapons speacialist.

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