How much is ginseng worth in WV?

How much is ginseng worth in WV?

In 2019, West Virginia’s market recorded 2822 pounds of “dry” ginseng and 5506 pounds of “wet” (green) ginseng. “Dry” means dehydrated. One pound of “wet” ginseng dehydrates to about a third of a pound of dry. The average price paid for the 2019-20 season was $550 per pound for dry and $160 per pound for green.

How much does a pound of ginseng cost?

DNR records indicate that over the last 10 years, annual wild ginseng prices have ranged from $250 to $880 per pound, with an average annual price of $483 per pound. The baseline price used for this analysis is $480.

How much did ginseng sell for?

Ginseng is one of the most expensive herbs in the world. A single root can sell for $17,000. Wild and wild-simulated ginseng are the most expensive varieties of ginseng.

How many pounds of ginseng do you get per acre?

For wood’s cultivated ginseng stratified seed are planted at the rate of 40 to 50 pounds per acre in prepared beds (one to one and a half pounds per one thousand square feet) in late summer or fall, but before the ground begins to freeze. For wild simulated ginseng plant 20 pounds per acre.

Where does wild ginseng grow in West Virginia?

About Ginseng A native plant of West Virginia, ginseng grows in all 55 counties of the State but is prevalent in cool, moist forests.

Where can I find ginseng in West Virginia?

Lucrative industry. Ginseng is native to all 55 counties, but you’re most likely to find it growing in cool, moist forests. As the third-most heavily forested state in the nation, that means West Virginia has plenty of rich terrain to support this lucrative crop.

How do I sell ginseng?

There are three main ways to sell ginseng roots. First is to sell directly to wholesale buyers. This gets you paid right away, and you can sell right out of your backyard nursery. Second is to sell to out-of-state buyers.

Can I make money growing ginseng?

The ginseng market varies from year to year, but when the price is high it’s possible to net up to $50,000 per acre. There is one drawback: it takes from five to 10 years for the roots to reach a marketable size.

When can I sell ginseng in WV?

West Virginia Ginseng Season runs from September 1 to November 30 and diggers have until March 31 of each year to sell to a registered West Virginia ginseng dealer or have roots weight-receipted at one of the Division of Forestry weigh stations.

Who do you sell ginseng to?

What is the best time to find ginseng?

American ginseng seedlings typically begin to appear in May. They begin to produce small clusters of white flowers that will develop into green fruits from June to July. The green fruits ripen into bright red berries and drop in August and September.

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