What is an example of a precursor?

What is an example of a precursor?

Precursor is defined as something that led to the creation of something similar but new. An example of precursor is how radio came before but helped create television. The definition of a precursor is something or someone that came before. An example of a precursor is the dark clouds before a storm.

What does the word precursor mean?

Definition of precursor 1a : one that precedes and indicates the approach of another. b : predecessor. 2 : a substance, cell, or cellular component from which another substance, cell, or cellular component is formed.

Is it precursor of or precursor to?

‘To’ means something along the lines of ‘toward’, as in pointing to something. A ‘precursor to’ would then be something that leads to a new thing. ‘Of’, on the other hand, means where it comes from, or the origin of the thing in question. A ‘precursor of’ would be where the new thing came from.

What is the synonym of precursor?

Some common synonyms of precursor are forerunner, harbinger, and herald. While all these words mean “one that goes before or announces the coming of another,” precursor applies to a person or thing paving the way for the success or accomplishment of another.

What is precursor writing?

The Precursor alphabet is a substitution cipher written by Naughty Dog Inc. for use in the Jak and Daxter series. It appears to have deep Precursor origins as it is used in almost every Precursor artifact in the series, as well as common signs, posters, and other game elements.

What is a precursor event?

Thus, a precursor is an event or situation that, if a small set of behaviors or conditions had been slightly different, would have led to a consequential adverse event.

What’s the opposite of precursor?

precursor. Antonyms: follower, consequent, result, effect, event. Synonyms: forerunner, harbinger, herald, pioneer, advance-guard, cause.

What is vocabulary of precocious?

Definitions of precocious. adjective. characterized by or characteristic of exceptionally early development or maturity (especially in mental aptitude) “a precocious child” “a precocious achievement”

What is the past tense of precursor?

Precursed meaning Simple past tense and past participle of precurse.

What is an accident precursor?

Spotting a Precursor Incident means spotting failed Safeguards or an unidentified Hazard/Energy before an accident happens. A failed Safeguard in a system with multiple Safeguards IS a Precursor Incident. Energy without an effective Safeguard IS a Precursor Incident.

Which of the following agents is the precursor?

Levodopa agents is the precursor of dopamine.

What is a mature child called?

As Drew said in a comment to the question, “adult children” is the right phrase. Some have suggested “grown children” and “grown-up children”, but since the 1970s “adult children” has been the prevalent phrase both in British English and in American English.

What is an example of a precursor to something?

A movie preview is a standard precursor before the presentation of a feature film. My itching is the precursor of the severe allergic reaction I will soon experience. All too often, high blood pressure is a precursor of heart disease. Obtaining an undergraduate degree is a definite precursor to going to graduate school.

What is a precursor to a feature film?

A movie preview is a standard precursor before the presentation of a feature film. My itching is the precursor of the severe allergic reaction I will soon experience. All too often, high blood pressure is a precursor of heart disease.

Is an undergraduate degree a precursor to graduate school?

Obtaining an undergraduate degree is a definite precursor to going to graduate school. If these tasty appetizers are a precursor to a delicious main course, I know I will be eating well tonight. Before the twenty-screen cinema was built in our town, all we had was its precursor, a tiny two-screen theater.

Are lignin precursors recursors recursive?

During lignification, phenyl rings of lignin precursors align to the cellulose molecule surfaces in a controlled and ordered process. A set of precursors to cluster acquisition was thereby identified and shown to be recursive. Understanding the ratio of precursor types in the population might be useful therapeutically.

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