How were the formation of terrestrial and jovian planets similar and different?

How were the formation of terrestrial and jovian planets similar and different?

Summary: The terrestrial planets formed close to the Sun where temperatures were well suited for rock and metal to condense. The jovian planets formed outside what is called the frost line, where temperatures were low enough for ice condensation.

How was the formation of Jovian planets similar to that of the terrestrial planets?

Answer:Similar-The formation was similar due to accretion which is the process of small solid rock”seed” as they grew into planets and once the gases came from a solid material. Different- As each jovian planet is wrapped around it own disk of gas but terrestrials don’t have this.

How do terrestrial planets differ from Jovian planets?

The main atmosphere of terrestrial planets is a gaseous mix of carbon dioxide and nitrogen gases, and all terrestrial planets have rocky surfaces. Jovian planets are larger, further from the sun, rotate faster, have more moons, have more rings, are less dense overall and have denser cores than terrestrial planets.

Why are the Jovian planets formed from materials different from the terrestrial planets?

Terrestrial planets were protected by the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. … Gaseous Jovian planets, formed farther away from the heat of the Sun, are formed from light weight nebulae “dust.”

How do terrestrial planets differ from Jovian planets quizlet?

How do the terrestrial planets differ from the Jovian planets? They are more dense and rocky, also more closer to the sun while the outer planets are made up of gasses and ice.

Which of the following is not a general difference between terrestrial planets and jovian planets?

Terrestrial planets orbit much closer to the Sun than jovian planets. Jovian planets have rings, and terrestrial planets do not. Terrestrial planets contain large quantities of ice, and jovian planets do not. Terrestrial planets are higher in average density than jovian planets.

What are the differences between the terrestrial planets?

Their main difference is their composition, due to their distance to the Sun. Terrestrial planets are covered with solid surfaces, while Jovian planets normally have gaseous surfaces. Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars are the terrestrial planets, while the Jovian planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

What is the major difference between the terrestrial and jovian planets quizlet?

Terms in this set (5) What is the difference between Jovian planets and Terrestrial planet? Jovian planets are almost gas and they are larger than Terrestrial planet.

Why are Jovian planets thought to differ in composition from terrestrial planets quizlet?

Why do the jovian planet interiors differ? They differ due to giant impacts at the late stages of planet formation. Accretion took longer further from the Sun, so the more distant planets formed their cores later and captured less gas from the solar nebula than the closer jovian planets.

What are the basic differences between the terrestrial planets and the giant planets quizlet?

The terrestrial planets are the small, rocky planets of the inner solar system. the gas giants are the large, gaseous planets of the outer solar system. Asteroids are small bodies made of rocky material, and comets are small bodies of ice, rock, and cosmic dust. You just studied 25 terms!

Do Jovian planets have atmospheres?

Jovian planets include Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. The atmospheres of the Jovian planets in our solar system are made mostly of hydrogen and helium. Compounds containing hydrogen, such as water, ammonia, and methane, are also present.

Which is a characteristic of Jovian planets when compared to terrestrial planets quizlet?

Jovian planets are larger in size than terrestrial planets. Jovian planets are larger in mass than terrestrial planets. Jovian planets orbit farther from the Sun than terrestrial planets. The solar system contains vast numbers of small bodies, which we call asteroids when they are rocky and comets when they are icy.

What are Jovian and terrestrial planets?

First of all, let us see what are the jovian and the terrestrial planets. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are the jovian planets. Mercury, Venus and Earth are the terrestrial planets.

Why are Jovian planets less dense than terrestrial planets?

Well, the jovian planets are less dense when compared to the terrestrial planets, because they are mainly composed of hydrogen gas. Moreover, the core of the jovian planets is more dense than the terrestrial planets.

Which of the following is a terrestrial planet?

Terrestrial planets include Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. These planets are relatively small in size and in mass. A terrestrial planet has a solid rocky surface, with metals deep in its interior. In the solar system, these planets are closer to the sun and are therefore warmer than the planets located farther out in the solar system.

What are the different types of planets in the Solar System?

With the exception of Pluto, planets in our solar system are classified as either terrestrial (Earth-like) or Jovian (Jupiter-like) planets. Terrestrial planets include Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. These planets are relatively small in size and in mass. A terrestrial planet has a solid rocky surface, with metals deep in its interior.

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