Who is ruling Turkmenistan?

Who is ruling Turkmenistan?


Turkmenistan Türkmenistan (Turkmen)
Government Unitary presidential republic under a totalitarian dictatorship
• President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow
• Vice President Raşit Meredow
Legislature National Council

What is January called in Turkmenistan?

Ýanwar Türkmenbaşy
2002 renaming of Turkmen months and days of week

English name Old Turkmen name Adopted Turkmen name
January Ýanwar Türkmenbaşy
February Fewral Baýdak
March Mart Nowruz
April Aprel Gurbansoltan

How is Turkmenistan so rich?

Turkmenistan’s economy depends heavily on the production and export of natural gas, oil, petrochemicals and, to a lesser degree, cotton, wheat, and textiles. Turkmenistan is largely a desert country with intensive agriculture in irrigated areas, and huge gas and oil resources.

What is the average salary in Turkmenistan?

The average salaries in Turkmenistan is about US$ 3,100/=. Doctors would be drawing anything between US$ 71,230/= and US$ 75,000per annum. Teachers would draw a little below the national average at about US$ 30,000/= to US$ 35,000/= per annum.

Are people poor in Turkmenistan?

In 2018, the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific estimated that 21.8 percent of Turkmenistan’s population live below the national poverty line, although the report did not provide the poverty line figure or its source.

Does Prince Berdimuhamedow have a daughter?

They have a daughter together. Berdimuhamedow’s wife has been living in London since 2007. His son, Serdar Berdimuhamedow, is a colonel in the Armed Forces and has held a series of high government posts, culminating in appointment as a deputy chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers.

Does Berdimuhamedov have a Russian wife?

Berdimuhamedov reportedly has a Turkmen wife and a Russian mistress. He has two daughters and a son with his Turkmen spouse and a daughter with his Russian wife. One of his sons-in-law runs the London office of the Turkmen State Agency for Management and Use of Hydrocarbon Resources.

Who is Karim Berdimuhamedow?

A dentist by profession, Berdimuhamedow served in the government under President Saparmurat Niyazov as Minister of Health beginning in 1997 and as Vice-President beginning in 2001. He became Acting President following Niyazov’s death on 21 December 2006 and subsequently won the February 2007 presidential election.

Who is Berdimuhamedov’s grandfather?

In October 2012, the Main Drama Theater of Turkmenistan staged a play based on Berdimuhamedov’s book about his grandfather called “Good Name Imperishable”. Military Unit 1001 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is named in honor of Berdimuhamedow’s father, Malikguly Berdimuhamedow.

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