What is default CommandTimeout?

What is default CommandTimeout?

The time in seconds to wait for the command to execute. The default is 30 seconds.

What is SQLCommand CommandTimeout property used for?

The CommandTimeout property sets or returns the number of seconds to wait while attempting to execute a command, before canceling the attempt and generate an error.

How do I fix my timeout?


  1. Check Your Connection. Google Chrome, Firefox, and Edge all recommend that you should check your network connection.
  2. Disable Firewall and Antivirus Software Temporarily.
  3. Disable Proxy Settings.
  4. Change DNS Servers.

How do I fix my ISP timeout?

Table of Contents

  1. Clear Browser Cache.
  2. Restart Internet Router.
  3. Check and Update Browser.
  4. Run Compatibility Mode.
  5. Disable Faulty Extensions.
  6. Use Browser’s Default Settings.
  7. Unblock Blacklisted Sites.
  8. Adjust the Lan Settings.

What is the default value of commandtimeout?

The time in seconds to wait for the command to execute. The default is 30 seconds. A value of 0 indicates no limit (an attempt to execute a command will wait indefinitely). The CommandTimeout property will be ignored by older APM (Asynchronous Programming Model) asynchronous method calls such as BeginExecuteReader.

What exactly is happening when the command timeout occurs?

And what exactly is happening when the command timeout occurs? If we ommit setting CommandTimeout property, the default of 30 seconds will be used. 0 means wait indefinitely, no timeout will be raised. When timeout occurs, execution of the TSQL stops immediately.

What is commandtimeout in SQL Server?

If we ommit setting CommandTimeout property, the default of 30 seconds will be used. 0 means wait indefinitely, no timeout will be raised. When timeout occurs, execution of the TSQL stops immediately. It is untrappable which means execution is NOT transferred to the “BEGIN CATCH” TSQL block.

How do I set a custom timeout for a specific command?

In your code, instantiate the Container class and if you need to use a custom timeout for a specific command, set it manually using the provided methods. using (var db = new MyEntitiesContainer ()) { db.SetCommandTimeout (300); db.DoSomeLongCommand (); db.ResetCommandTimeout (); db.DoShorterCommand1 (); db.DoShorterCommand2 (); }

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