What city is steelport based on Saints Row?

What city is steelport based on Saints Row?

New York City
Steelport. After being driven out of Stilwater at the start of Saints Row: The Third by The Syndicate, the Saints aim to get revenge by taking over their home city, Steelport, which is loosely based on New York City.

What is steelport based off?

Steelport is loosely based on New York City, Pittsburgh and Bridgeport, Connecticut. Shaundi has been to Steelport before on spring break prior to the events of Saints Row: The Third, where it was later revealed that Zimos had met her during her trip.

What city does Saints Row 3 take place?

The game is set in the fictional city of Steelport (based on New York City), and continues the story of the 3rd Street Saints, once again putting players in the role of the gang’s leader, who is fully customizable….

Saints Row: The Third
Series Saints Row

Is Saints Row a parody?

Fortunately, we live in the reality where Saints Row 2 was made and given a multiplatform release. While the original feels like a homage to GTA, the sequel comes off closer to parody. While the GTA series tried to turn itself into a gritty HBO crime drama, Saints Row 2 went in the opposite direction.

What’s the difference between Steelport and Stilwater?

They also mentioned that in Steelport gangs rule the surface while in Stilwater it was still a “Hush, Hush” kind of deal to do anything illegal or to proudly broadcast you were a member of X gang. Now some gangs like the Brotherhood did not care, and I get that feel from the Luchadores which is good.

Is Steelport a port city?

Dig it or **** off Volition had already said that Steelport was a “PORT CITY” meaning that compared to something as industrialized as Stilwater it was going to be smaller.

Why is Steelport so run down?

Steelport is new and fresh, it is run down because gangs are drawing in revenue and income into their pockets to pimp their rides, jack up the size of their buildings, and push their weight around town. To me, really? Steelport is like Japan.

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